Mission Transition: A Podcast for Veterans

Veterans are 3x more likely to find a job when a mentor or coach helps with the interview & resume process. With 61% of Veterans being under or unemployed, Mission Transition presented by Still Serving Veterans exists to ease the stress and anxiety the job search puts on Veterans.

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About SSV & Mission Transition

Many people can imagine the stress one may have if they did a job for up to ten years and are trying to translate those skills to other jobs or a new career field. SSV, led by a team of all-Veteran counselors help Veterans all over the US find the right job. Be it right as they leave the service or years after. Our services are no-cost to Veterans and their spouses thanks to many generous donors. Visit SSV.org a visit to learn more!


Mission Transition: A Podcast for Veterans promises to pull back the curtain on the hurdles Veterans face as they embark on their newest civilian mission. Our team, led by retired Navy Chief Petty Officer David Lakin will tackle all-things job and transition in hopes of getting more Veterans in jobs that matter and are fulfilling. 


Monday Jul 08, 2024

The "feeling lost" when transitioning out of the service is real. It can be even more real after you start your first few jobs out of the service. Host Dave Lakin sits down with Bill Korman, a Navy Veteran who shares the lows and highs of his own transition along with how he's giving back to Veterans. 
Still Serving Veterans (no cost transition help) - https://ssv.org/
Lawrence "Bill" Korman - https://www.linkedin.com/in/builtforlife/
Built For Life Financial Agency - https://bflagency.com/team/bill-korman/

Monday Jun 10, 2024

A decorated Marine transitions to being a Public Affairs Officer to Secretary of Defense, award winning video producer, entrepreneur and so much more - Riccoh Player has done it all. But he has not lost sight of his roots and he wants to make sure Veteran tribes stay in tact well after military service comes to and end. 
Mission Transition learns about Riccoh and his ParadeDeck.com project among other insightful takes on advancements in the VA. 
Looking for your tribe? Want to connect with military changemakers, content makers & more? Be sure to check out ParadeDeck.com!

Thursday May 02, 2024

This episode featuring Call of Duty Endowment Executive Director Dan Goldenberg touches on the current state of Veteran employment through data, sometimes the lack of it as well as what should be done to improve transition outcomes for service members moving forward.
Learn more about how Call of Duty Supports Vets: https://www.callofdutyendowment.org/
Get free career help from a fellow Veteran: https://ssv.org/

LTG (R) Neil Thurgood

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Highlights & Points of Interest:
- What qualities transfer from military service to the business world?
- The notion that all Veterans are bulls in a China cabinet.
- Having different mentors at different stages of your post-military life.
- Continuing service through other routes when you leave military service to avoid isolation.  
You don't want to miss this insightful and powerful conversation! We are also looking for service members with TOUGH & Insightful transition stories. You don't have to be a ranking officer either! Email us at social@ssv.org. Your story could change lives!

SMA (R) Jack Tilley

Friday Mar 22, 2024

Friday Mar 22, 2024

Host Dave Lakin sits down with SMA Jack Tilley, host of Your Next Mission. 
The pair discusses a wide-range of relevant military transition topics. One major point being the importance of finding your tribe and not waiting for the transition to simply happen. Planning 2-years out is not wrong by any means and is even becoming more common.

Monday Mar 04, 2024

The military transition can go so badly. We see this with Veterans becoming homeless almost immediately. That's exactly what happened to Dr. Steven Crane. Despite having a roadmap to a rewarding civilian career set as he made the transition, the unexpected led him to the streets.
Clearly, the story turns. Now with several Doctorate degrees, Steven is connecting Veterans to resources and hoping he can help his fellow brothers and sisters secure a better financial future.
Notable Links:

Setting Expectations

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

Mission Transition launches with an in-house discussion with retired US Navy Rear Admiral Richard "Rich" Landolt, now the President and CEO of Still Serving Veterans. 
Host Dave Lakin introduces SSV and asks Landolt about the evolution of technology in the hiring process as well as the importance of setting expectations when transitioning out of the military. 

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